Traditional Marketing Mix – The 4 Ps of Marketing

What is the traditional marketing mix? The traditional marketing mix model (also known as the 4Ps) can be used to assist marketers in defining their marketing strategy.

use this method to try to generate the best response in their target market by optimally combining 4 (or 5 or 7) variables. It’s important to understand that marketing mix principles are variables you can control. The marketing mix can be adjusted regularly to meet the changing needs of your target audience and other dynamics in your marketing environment.

  1. Marketing “P” – Product

Customer Touchpoints – Functionality; Quality; Look; Packaging; Brand; Service; Support; Products should fit the tasks consumers want to do, perform well, and be what consumers expect. Apart from that, we have to consider that while we are manufacturing a product, the consumer must be willing or able to pay for it. lead to decline.

  1. Marketing “P” – Price

Customer Touchpoints – List Prices; Discounts; Financing; Leasing Options;

It is important to assess how much your target customers are willing to pay for your product. Consumers are now very price sensitive. In markets like India, consumers want the best value for money, but competitively low prices can be seen as low quality. Therefore, marketers should establish the ideal pricing structure to make the most of the product lifecycle. Pricing is important not only for end users, but also for distributors who need to expand the reach of their products and earn decent money for their efforts.

  1. Marketing “P” – Location

Customer Touchpoints – Location; Logistics; Channel Members; Channel Motivation; Market Reach; Service Level; Products must be available in the right quantity at the right place at the right time. Product placement is heavily influenced by pricing structure and distributor enthusiasm for the product.

  1. The “P” in Marketing – Promotion

Customer touchpoints – advertising; public relations; news; direct sales; sales; media; budgets.

Educating customers about your product is important. Communications are about the need for the product, the benefits of the product, or the use of the product. Any form of notice indicates a product recall and should be used with caution. A small change in how you communicate about your product can make a big difference to your sales. 

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