To make known the importance of digital marketing lets first understand its meaning. Well one can’t go to the swimming pool to swim without knowing how to, right? Digital marketing is the component of marketing that utilizes the internet and online-based digital technologies such as computers, mobile phones, and other digital media platforms to promote products and services.
So what is the importance of digital marketing?
Good thing about the current generation is your products, whether from Kenya, India or New Zealand can reach a good amount of people. Imagine a situation where one would not have the literacy in computer, this would means one’s product would only be limited to one’s country. By global reach, one’s product is viewed by millions of people thus one’s profit margin would be at its highest once one has a good marketing flow. Digital marketing enables global reach easily and conveniently.
Whether you have paid someone to do digital marketing for one, one should be able to get the statistics daily, weekly or monthly. Comments from buyers or product viewers are also easily accessible thus one would know how to make their product either better or reachable. With this benefit, one can also know the most buyers from certain regions and which products have most traffic.
Just as the ability to track response, digital marketing gets customers to be loyal to products being sold. With different marketing strategies and also promotional products, customers can trust one’s brand easily. With one’s product being legitimate and have warranty with good customer service, this is an assurance of customers being loyal to marketed products.
Imagine a situation where you’d have to hire over 100 people who would market your products. Either by direct sales, referrals, print advertising and radio or television. These are both tedious and expensive. With digital marketing, all one needs is either one or two digital marketers, a laptop and a good ISP. Digital marketing enables pocket friendly type of marketing for business owners.
Before getting one’s product online, one needs a strategy for digital marketing; strategize in a way that one’s goals can be attained realistically. A realistic goal should improve conversion rate to increase lead generation and keep tabs on product statistics. Realistic goals mean a great start to a great digital marketing platform which in turn means great sales and loyal customers.
We can all agree that digital marketing is an efficient way to get products moving and sales increasing. At Fun Media we couldn’t agree more than a goal set at realistic terms would make a business earn more. Don’t forget to carry that laptop, carry that ISP, and get a comfortable area in your house and get marketing! That coffee might be handy too!